Call for topic-focused papers of Gengo Kenkyu No.158

Gengo Kenkyu invites the submission of manuscripts for a special issue (Number 158, expected publication date: September 2020) on the theme “Morphophonology in Japanese dialects”. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 31 December 2019. Please follow the normal manuscript submission procedure described on the LSJ home page, selecting “特集 special feature article” for the item “セクション/カテゴリー Section/Category” in the Editorial Manager on-line submission and reviewing system.

Morphophonology is one of the central areas of description and analysis in both structural linguistics and generative grammar. Derived environment effects and phonological opacity are frequently discussed topics for examining the architecture of phonological theory. Japanese has morphophonological alternations such as onbin and sequential voicing, and these phenomena exhibit dialectal variations. We welcome submission of original manuscripts dealing with morphophonological phenomena in Japanese dialects with no restrictions concerning discipline, topic, or approach.

Editorial Board