In his Preface to the inaugural issue of Gengo Kenkyu, Professor Izuru SHINMURA, the first President
Information about the 169th Meeting of LSJ: The list of presentation tiles has been published
The Symposium “Reconstructing Language History”
Video of the 168th meeting of the LSJ
Information about the childcare facilities at the 169th Meeting of LSJ
2nd Call: Symposium/Workshop by Early Career Researchers
A job opening at Kyushu University
A job opening at Hokkaido University
Open call for Miyaji-awards with the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
A job opening at Showa Women’s University
Information about the 169th Meeting of LSJ: The list of presentation tiles has been published
The Symposium “Reconstructing Language History”
Video of the 168th meeting of the LSJ
Information about the childcare facilities at the 169th Meeting of LSJ
2nd Call: Symposium/Workshop by Early Career Researchers