Call for topic-focused papers of Gengo Kenkyu No.156

Gengo Kenkyu invites the submission of manuscripts for a special issue (Number 156, expected publication date: September 2019) on the theme “Contrastive Linguistic Studies Today”. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 31 December 2018. Please follow the normal manuscript submission procedure described on the LSJ home page, selecting “特集 special feature article” for the item “セクション/カテゴリー Section/Category” in the Editorial Manager on-line submission and reviewing system.

 Contrastive linguistic studies, through comparison of multiple languages, illuminate the unique characteristics of individual languages as well as the extent of their variety and their shared commonalities. Contrastive studies may take many forms, including comparison of two languages, of a number of languages, of different dialects, or of the same language at different periods in history. Varying the number and combinations of languages compared brings into view different facts and aspects. It would probably not be an overstatement to say that comparative studies bring a boundless breadth to linguistic research. We welcome submission of original manuscripts from a contrastive studies point of view that expand the potential of such studies without restriction on discipline, topic, or approach.

Editorial Board