Call for topic-focused papers of Gengo Kenkyu No.164

Gengo Kenkyu invites submissions of papers for a special issue on the theme “Graphology, Grammatology, Orthography and Phonology” (Number 164, expected publication date: July 2023).

Studies on writing, graphology, grammatology, or orthography used to play an important role in linguistics, and a lot of books and papers had been published on these themes. Though linguistic research has been remarkably fractionalized and increasingly diversified, studies on writing do not seem to be as productive as before. Quite a few languages without their original writing system have adopted the Roman alphabet and made their new orthography, and recently this trend has been strengthened through such technological developments like information and communication technology (ICT). While general linguistics studies writing system, which uses signs or symbols for expressing phonemes, syllables, and morphemes, it can be also studied diachronically in terms of historical linguistics, including philology and decipherment of ancient scripts and documents. We welcome submissions from cutting-edge approaches as well as traditional frameworks, which include new discussions, analyses, and discoveries.

The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 31 August 2022. All submissions will go through the usual peer-review process. When submitting a manuscript, please select “特集 special feature article” for the item “セクション/カテゴリー Section/Category” in the Editorial Manager on-line submission and reviewing system.
Editorial Board