Information about the 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Information about the 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Dates: June 18th (Sat) and 19th (Sun), 2022

Venue: Online

President: Naoki FUKUI
Director: Fuyuki EBATA

Program (PDF 419KB)
Contents of the Handbook (Sorry, only written in Japanese)
Handbook (Collectively Downloading as a ZIP file / 40.8MB)

A-2 has been cancelled due to an issue concerning the presenter.
There is no page for P-5 in the handbook.

*Please register and pay the registration fee from here in advance.
Guide for Specified Commercial Transactions Act (in Japanese)
*The registration period is from May 10th to June 12th. Please register as soon as possible.
*The registration fee is 2,000 yen for general members, 1,000 yen for student members, 3,000 yen for non-members and 2,000 yen for student non-members.
*participants’manual (in Japanese)
*oVice guide for participants (in Japanese)
*Three days before the conference, we will sent you the program with the Zoom meeting/webinar ID for each session. Please click the IDs on the program to access the venue.

Special Symposium:
Neuroscience of Language Opening the Way to the Future of Linguistics(YouTube Record: start time 00:24:25)

With the rapid development of neuroscience in recent years, the brain mechanisms underlying language are becoming more apparent. In linguistics, progress has been made in theoretical and descriptive research on diverse languages, and the nature of language is gradually being elucidated. However, many issues need to be addressed to establish a productive relationship between linguistics and neuroscience, such as the linguistic implications of neuroscience experiments and the construction and revision of linguistic theories based on these experiments. In this symposium, after reviewing the recent progress in the neuroscience of language, we will discuss how neuroscience has contributed (or could contribute) to linguistics and what the future challenges are. Furthermore, by discussing what both linguists and neuroscientists want from each other’s fields, the symposium will also examine the possibilities for linguistics and neuroscience to collaboratively design experiments in the study of language.
(This symposium is co-organized with the United Associations of Language Studies)

Organizer: Shinri OHTA (Kyushu University)

Panelists and the topics:
Kuniyoshi L. SAKAI (The University of Tokyo) “On the joint research of brain science and linguistics”
Keita UMEJIMA (The University of Tokyo) “Enhanced brain activations for multilinguals while acquiring a new language — An MRI study”
Isso NAKAMURA (The University of Tokyo) “Neurolinguistics from the viewpoint of a theoretical linguist”
Shinri OHTA (Kyushu University) “What is the missing link between linguistics and neuroscience?”

*Oral presentations, workshops, amd the symposium will be on Zoom meeting. Poster presentations, the reception, and the book exhibitions will be held on oVice.

*Assistance at the 164th Meeting:
If you plan to attend this meeting and need any assistance such as a sign language interpreter or captions, please contact the LSJ office ( as soon as possible. The deadline is May 16th (Mon), 2022.

Izumishoin Inc.

Sanseido Co., Ltd.

Bensei Publishing Inc.

Osaka University Press


Kurosio Publishers

Hituzi Syobo Publishing


SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.

Maruzen-Yushodo Co.,Ltd.

Asakura Publishing Co.,Ltd.

TAISHUKAN Publishing Co.,Ltd.


National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics  (SOKENDAI)