Information about the 163rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Information about the 163rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Dates: Nov. 20th (Sat) and 21st (Sun), 2021

Venue: Online

President: Naoki FUKUI
Director (LSJ): Fuyuki EBATA

Program (PDF 399KB)
Contents of the Handbook(Sorry, only written in Japanese)
Handbook (Collectively Downloading as a ZIP file / 57.2MB)
Bookstore(12nd Nov., 2021)

*Please register and pay the registration fee from here in advance.
*participants’manual (in Japanese)
*oVice guide for participants (in Japanese)
*The registration period is from Oct. 4th to Nov. 14th. Please register as soon as possible.
*The registration fee is 2,000 yen for general members, 1,000 yen for student members, 3,000 yen for non-members and 2,000 yen for student non-members.
*Three days before the conference, we will sent you the program with the Zoom meeting/webinar ID for each session. Please click the IDs on the program to access the venue.

Inaugural lecture:
Japanese-English Comparative Syntax and the Theory of “Parameters”

The major theoretical import of the Japanese-English comparative syntax is its focus on “systematic” differences between the two (I-)languages, backed up with the general theory of universal grammar. The Japanese-English comparative syntax, in this sense, seems to have started in the mid-1980s within the principles-and-parameters framework. In this talk, I will take up two representative approaches along these lines, Fukui (1986, 1988, et seqq.) and Kuroda (1988), and argue that, despite the general perception in the field, there are certain rather fundamental differences between them. I will then go over further developments of the theory of parameters after these works up to the present time, and will explore possible future scenarios as to how linguistic diversity is to be handled within the tradition of generative linguistics.

Special Symposium (Poster) (YouTube Live Streaming):
Developing and Using Linguistic Databases: Problems and Prospects

In contemporary linguistic research, a variety of linguistic databases have been developed and published to meet the unique needs, goals, and research methods of each research field. This symposium will provide an opportunity to introduce and share the know-how and achievements of such databases, inviting researchers who contribute to database development (developers) and those who explore various applications of the databases (users). Feedbacks will be provided for both developers and users. Problems and prospects will also be discussed.
(This symposium is co-organized with the United Associations of Language Studies)

*Oral presentations and workshops will be on Zoom meeting. The President’s lecture and the symposium will be on Webinar. Poster presentations, the reception, and the book exhibitions will be held on oVice.

*Assistance at the 163rd Meeting:
If you plan to attend this meeting and need any assistance such as a sign language interpreter or captions, please contact the LSJ office ( as soon as possible. The deadline is Oct. 15th (Fri), 2021.

*Click the following links for bookstores. They are open during the conference period. Please visit the oVice online room for the live book displays (9:00-17:00, during the conference period).

Hituzi Syobo
TAISHUKAN Publishing Co.,Ltd.
Kyushu University Press
Sanseido Co., Ltd.
Kurosio Publishers
Bensei Publishing Inc.
SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.
kenkyusha Co.,Ltd.
Asakura Publishing Co.,Ltd.
Izumishoin Inc.
Osaka University Press
Maruzen-Yushodo Co.,Ltd.