The 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Information about the 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Dates: Nov.21st (Sat) and 22nd (Sun), 2020
Venue: Zoom
President: Yukinori TAKUBO
Director (LSJ): Satomi ITO
Director (Local): Takashi TOYOSHIMA

Program (PDF 254KB)
Contents of the Handbook (Sorry, only written in Japanese)
Handbook (Collectively Downloading as a ZIP file / 43.1MB)
F.A.Q. (in Japanese)

*Please download the data from the website before you participate in the meeting.
*Please download the participants’manual in advance. (Sorry, only written in Japanese).
*Notice: The poster presentations start and end five minutes earlier than stated in the original schedule. They have been rescheduled to 12:40-13:40. (Updated at Nov.11th.)

Invited speech:
Minimalism: where we are now, and where we are going.

In this lecture, we assess the current state of the minimalist inquires in the generative linguistics, reviewing their historical and philosophical backgrounds, and project some prospects and possible directions for the further progress, demonstrating some imminent challenges and obstacles. With time permitting, we will see some recent technical developments that accord with the minimalist desiderata for the generative linguistics.

Noam Chomsky (University of Arizona/MIT)
Masayuki Oishi (Tohoku Gakuin University)
Sandiway Fong (invited, University of Arizona), Hisatsugu Kitahara (Keio University), Takashi Toyoshima (Tohoku Gakuin University)
Date: Sunday, November 22 (10:00–12:00)

*The registration period is over.
*To those who registered, we will send the program with Zoom meeting/webinar IDs for each session. Please click the IDs on the program to access the venue.

*Click the following links for bookstores.They are open during the conference period.

Hituzi Syobo publishing
Oviss Inc.
Kurosio Publishers
Sanseido Co., Ltd.
Kinokuniya Company Ltd.
Cambridge University Press
The University of Nagoya Press
TAISHUKAN Publishing Co.,Ltd.
Osaka University Press
Maruzen Yushodo Co., Ltd.

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