Information about the 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Information about the 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Dates: November 17th (Sat) and 18th (Sun), 2018

Venue: Kyoto University (Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)

President: Yukinori TAKUBO
Director (LSJ): Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI
Director (Local): Kazuhiko YOSHIDA

Program (PDF 273KB) / Abstracts (PDF 784KB) / The 157th LSJ Meeting Handbook (PDF 46.5MB)

[NOTICE!]Please download the data from the website before you participate in the meeting. The printed version of the LSJ Meeting Handbook would not be distributed.

[NOTICE!]The poister presentation P-4 (“Interpretation of Japanese numeral quantifiers by L1 English speakers studying Japanese” by Tokiko OKUMA) is cancelled.

80th Anniversary Symposium: Eighty years after the founding LSJ president Izuru Shinmura: the present state of linguistics and its future

This year marks the eightieth anniversary of the founding of the Linguistic Society of Japan in 1938 with Izuru Shinmura as its first president. Shinmura presided over the LSJ for a remarkable thirty years until 1967. Although the times were characterized by war and significant social change, Shinmura succeeded in laying the foundations of the LSJ, greatly facilitating the qualitative and quantitative advancement of the field of linguistics in Japan. In the fifty years since, the LSJ has grown substantially and linguistics itself has undergone a manifold development. In this symposium, researchers from three core areas of linguistic study will present papers detailing how their respective fields have advanced since the founding of the LSJ and what directions their fields may take in the future. Each presentation will be complemented with discussion by a commentator and audience questions.

Organizer: Kazuhiko YOSHIDA (Kyoto University)

Syuntaro TIDA (Kyoto University)
“Izuru Shinmura and field linguistics”
Commentator: Nobuko YONEDA (Osaka University)

Adam Alvah CATT (Kyoto University)
“Izuru Shinmura and historical linguistics”
Commentator: Masato KOBAYASHI (University of Tokyo)

Toshiyuki SADANOBU (Kyoto University)
“Izuru Shinmura and linguistic theory”
Commentator: Harumi NODA (Kobe Gakuin University)

Assistance at the 157th Meeting:

If you plan to attend this meeting and need any assistance such as a sign language interpreter or notetaker, please contact the LSJ office ( as soon as possible. The deadline is October 15th, 2018.

Information about the childcare facilities at the 157th Meeting of LSJ: Applications should be sent to by October 26, 2018. See the PDF below for details.