LSJ The 132nd Meeting : Lectures and Events

LSJ The 132nd Meeting : Lectures and Events

  • Date: June 17th (Sat) and 18th (Sun) 2006
  • Place: The University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus)
  • President: Zendo Uwano
  • Director (LSJ): Koichi Higuchi
  • Director (Local): Shigeru Sakahara

The 1st day (Saturday, June 17th): Opening Remarks and Special Program (Room 1323)

  1. Opening
  2. Greeting from the Host
  3. Inaugural lecture: “On the Reconstruction of Japanese Accents” Zendo Uwano (President, LSJ; The University of Tokyo)
  4. Symposium “Subject”
    • Chair: Shigeru Sakahara (The University of Tokyo)
    • Presenters: Toshio Ohori (The University of Tokyo), Tasaku Tsunoda (The University of Tokyo), Keisuke Onoe (The University of Tokyo)
  5. Assembly (Room 1323)
  6. Reception (Seminar Room, Faculty House)

The 2nd day (Sunday, June 18th)

  1. Oral presentation (Site A, Site B, Site C, Site D, Site E)  [Program]
  2. Workshop(in Japanese)
  3. Poster presentation
  4. Special Exhibit (in Japanese)