LSJ The 134th Meeting : Lectures and Events

LSJ The 134th Meeting : Lectures and Events

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  • Date: June 16th (Sat) and 17th (Sun) 2007
  • Place: Reitaku University
  • President: Zendo UWANO
  • Director (LSJ): Masaru INOUE
  • Director (Local) : Masato TAKIURA

Day One (Saturday, June 16th)

  1. Oral Presentations  [Program]
  2. Workshops  [Program]
  3. Reception

Day Two (Sunday, June 17th)

  1. Public Lecture: Towards an integrated theory of linguistic subjectivity: From the perspectives of modality, speech act and honorification [Abstract in Japanese]
  2. Poster Presentations [List of Poster Presentations]
  3. General Member Meeting
  4. Symposium: Large-scale corpora: setting a new standard for linguistic research
    • A Methodology for using corpora for English linguistics
    • Compilation of large-scale balanced corpus and its implication on the study of language