GENGO KENKYU Vol.2017(2017) No.151-

GENGO KENKYU Vol.2025(2025) No.167

Presidential AddressTowards a More Inclusive Linguistics
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English (References in Roman Alphabet
Toshiyuki Sadanobu1
論文Nominal Reduplication and Pluractionality in Turkish
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English) (References in Roman Alphabet
Yui Suzuki27
Modality Marker “tor(u)” in the Iizuka Dialect
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English) (References in Roman Alphabet
Shinji Ogawa55
Conceptual Metaphors of Negation in Space of Japanese Sign Language: The Symbolic Network of “UNDERSTAND” and its Embodied Foundations
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yufuko Takashima and Nami Arimitsu79
MaxElide Effects in Mandarin Chinese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Qinyi Tan and
Daiko Takahashi
Memoranda and Personalia135
日本言語学会 大会発表規程153
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)153
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules163
LSJ Presentation Guidelines163

GENGO KENKYU Vol.2024(2024) No.166

Featured ThemeCognitive Linguistics: Where We Are and Where We Are Going
On the Discourse Functions of in Abou Dida: Expanding the Research Horizons of Cognitive Linguistics
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Reijirou Shibasaki5
Linguistic Expressions of Changes of State in Japanese: A Quantitative Study of Cognitive Typology
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English) (References in Roman Alphabet
Yo Matsumoto and Keigo Ujiie29
Investigating the Potential for Empirical Research on
Construction Grammar Using Deep Learning:
The Case of Better Off Construction
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English) (References in Roman Alphabet
Naoki Otani, Ryo Nagata, Hiroya Takamura, and Yoshifumi Kawasaki59
Formation of Instrument Verbs in Japanese and English:
From the Perspectives of Frame Semantics and Basic Egocentricity
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English) (References in Roman Alphabet
Yuki Okada87
Memoranda and Personalia113
日本言語学会 大会発表規程143
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)143
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules153
LSJ Presentation Guidelines153

GENGO KENKYU Vol.2024(2024) No.165

ArticlesHistorical Study on the Vowels in Izumo-Nita Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Tatsuya Hirako1
The Influence of Input and L1 on Japanese Learners’ Acquisition of English Tough Constructions
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Miyuki Noji, Mizuho Fujii, and Kenji Kawauchi33
Concerning the Chronological Plurality of Tangut Phonology in the Light of “Pseudo-level Tone” in Wenhai (the Sea of Characters): The Limitation of Inferring the Sound of Tangut Characters
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Takeshi Hamada59
Pitch Realization in Khitan
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Masami Ōtake85
Memoranda and Personalia111
2023 年度役員121
日本言語学会 大会発表規程129
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)129
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules139
LSJ Presentation Guidelines139


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2023(2023) No.164

Featured ThemeGraphology, Grammatology, Orthography, and Phonology
Phonemes that were not Written Distinctively in the Heian Period
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Shuji Hizume1
Strings of Sinographs in the Japanese Language
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Shinji Konno17
On the Environment in which a “Dot” Appears in Tangut Characters and on its Function
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Shintaro Arakawa39
A New Phonological Feature Obtained from Hittite Cuneiform Clay Tablets: The Linguistic Contrast between Single and Double Affricates
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Kazuhiko Yoshida67
ArticlesOn the Development of Passive Expletive Constructions in the History of English
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Shoko Honda and Tomoyuki Tanaka93
ForumTense Alternation Generalization Revisited: A Reply to Akuzawa and Kubota
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Tomohiro Fujii, Hirotaka Ogawa, and Hajime Ono111
Memoranda and Personal125
2023 年度役員147
日本言語学会 大会発表規程155
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)155
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules165
LSJ Presentation Guidelines165


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2023(2023) No.163

ArticlesDoes “shimo-nidanka” in Upper Bigrade Verbs in Modern Kyushu Dialects Support the Proto-Kyushu-Ryukyuan Hypothesis?
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yosuke Igarashi 1
How to Apply Successful Labeling and Agreement to {Non-DP, TP} and the VP-Internal Subject: Revisiting Locative Inversion in Terms of the Refined POP Framework
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Shin-Ichi Tanigawa33
Number Concepts Represented by Cycad Leaves and the Innovation of Overcounting in the Tutuba Language
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Maho Naito55
Long Default and Short Indefinite Noun Forms in Kupsapiiny:
Synchronic Usage and Diachronic Development
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Kazuhiro Kawachi79
Differential Object Marking and Information Structure in Ayacucho Quechua
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yuko Morokuma111
Topicalization and Left Dislocation: An Experimental Study
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Keisuke Yoshimoto139
Memoranda and Personalia167
2022 年度役員 176
『言語研究』執筆要項 177
日本言語学会 大会発表規程 183
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時) 183
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules 193
LSJ Presentation Guidelines 193


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2022(2022) No.162

Featured ThemeDiversity of Classifiers
Verbal Classifiers in Haida
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Hirofumi Hori1
Classifiers in nDrapa: Definition and Categorization
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Satoko Shirai25
ArticlesA Phase Research Based on Syntactic Dependency Relations: For the Phase Differences of Text Genre
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Wenping Li, Haitao Liu, and Saeko Komori47
From Geographical Differences to Age Differences of Dialect: Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Shonai Hamaogi Glottograms
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Fumio Inoue and Yasushi Hanzawa63
Interpretations and Processing Strategies for Japanese Quantificational Sentences
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Masakatsu Inoue, Takeo Kurafuji, and Michinao F. Matsui91
On the Origin of the Indo-European Thematic Present
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Kazuhiko Yoshida119
ForumPitch Accent Patterns, Forms, and Meanings of ‘no=da’ Sentences in the Japanese Kohoku Dialect
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Miwako Wakizaka145
Obituary Tetsuya Kunihiro
国広哲弥先生を偲んで 柴谷方良/国広哲弥先生の思い出 山田 進/国広哲弥先生 ありがとうございました 菊地康人/略年譜/主要著作目録
Memoranda and Personalia168
2022 年度役員188
日本言語学会 大会発表規程195
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)195
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules205
LSJ Presentation Guidelines205


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2022(2022) No.161

Presidential AddressEnglish-Japanese Comparative Syntax and the Theory of Parameters: On Certain Differences and Similarities between the Fukui and Kuroda Systems
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in EnglishReferences in Roman Alphabet
Naoki Fukui1
ArticlesRaising of No-Marked Subjects in the Hichiku Dialect of Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Kazushige Moriyama, Hideki Kishimoto, and Yasuhito Kido35
On Accentual Pitch Patterns of Accented Verbs in the Yokote Dialect: An Analysis Based on Iambic Feet
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Kentaro Suganuma63
On the Use of so- series Demonstratives to Refer to Information in Mind
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Ryoichi Tsutsumi and Tomoko Okazaki91
The Phonological Configuration of Word-initial NC Sequences in Jinghpaw
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Keita Kurabe119
The Morphology of Cantonese “Changed Tone”: Extensions and Limitations
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
John Alderete, Queenie Chan, and Shin-Ichi Tanaka139
Memoranda and Personal171
2021 年度役員183
日本言語学会 大会発表規程191
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)191
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules201
LSJ Presentation Guidelines201


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2021(2021) No.160

Special ContributionMinimalism: Where Are We Now, and Where Can We Hope to Go
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Noam Chomsky1
Featured ThemeGrammar and Information Structure
The Japanese Reactive Attitudinal Nani-mo:
A New Class of Negative Polarity Items
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Osamu Sawada43
Information and Discourse Structures and Topics:
A Study of Japanese Cooking Show Discourse
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Mitsuaki Shimojo69
Structuring the Narrative: Function of VS Clause in Tunis Arabic
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Taku Kumakiri97
ArticlesThe Timing of Filler-Gap Dependency Formation in Second Language Comprehension
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Itsuki Minemi and Masataka Yano123
Division of Labor between Semantics and Pragmatics of Canonical and Non-canonical Imperatives
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Shun Ihara155
The Hidden Side of Exclusive Focus Particles:
An Analysis of dake and sika in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Misato Ido and Yusuke Kubota183
Micro-typological Covariation of Negation and Focus Marking Morphology in Bantu Languages
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Daisuke Shinagawa and Lutz Marten215
ForumAgainst Finite Raising (and Against Defective Tense):
A Semantic Analysis of -yooni naru in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Koyo Akuzawa and Yusuke Kubota249
The Syntax of Manner Adverbs and Resultative Predicates in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yuji Hatakeyama, Kensuke Honda, and Kosuke Tanaka263
Occurrence Conditions of Ru-form in Causal Construction for Blaming and its Mechanisms of the Nuance Generation
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yasue Kodama273
Memoranda and Personalia287
2021 年度役員309
日本言語学会 大会発表規程317
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)317
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules327
LSJ Presentation Guidelines327


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2021(2021) No.159

ArticlesA Corpus-based Variationist Approach to the Use of It is I and
It is Me: A Real-time Observation of a Syntactic Change Nearing Completion in COHA
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Aimi Kuya7
Functions of Non-causative “ 令 shimu” in Japanized Chinese Writings in the Kamakura Period
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Itsuki Nagasawa37
A Contrastive Approach to the Evidential System in Tibetic Languages: Examining Five Varieties from Khams and Amdo
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Hiroyuki Suzuki,
Sonam Wangmo, and Tsering Samdrup
Memoranda and Personalia103
2020 年度役員118
日本言語学会 大会発表規程125
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)125
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules135
LSJ Presentation Guidelines135


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2020(2020) No.158

Featured ThemeFeatured Theme: Morphophonology of Japanese Dialects
On the Breakdown of the Te-Form Related Phonological Phenomena in the Kyushu Dialects
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Mitsuhiko Arimoto1
Voiced Geminate Obstruents in Sino-Japanese Words in the Fukami Dialect of Amakusa Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Toshio Matsuura29
ArticlesA Contrastive Study of Lexical Categorization of “Cutting and Breaking” Events in Japanese Korean and Chinese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Hong Chunzi63
Contrastive Study of Passive, Potential and Related Constructions in the Voice System:
Early Middle Japanese and Contemporary Spanish
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Ayako Shiba91
Memoranda and Personalia117
2020 年度役員137
日本言語学会 大会発表規程145
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)145
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules155
LSJ Presentation Guidelines155


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2020(2020) No.157

ArticlesInterrogative Sentences and Nominalization in Korean: With Reference to Nominal and Verbal Predicate Interrogatives in the Gyeongnam and Jeju Dialects
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Chung Sung-Yeo1
Structure and Derivation of the Concealed Question
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Taisuke Nishigauchi37
Non-number Values of Nominal and Pronominal Plural Forms in Yuwan in Crosslinguistic Perspective
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yuto Niinaga71
A Typology of Japanese Passives
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Koichi Miyakoshi113
ForumHow Abstract is Sound Symbolism? Labiality and Diaper Names in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Gakuji Kumagai and Shigeto Kawahara149
Book ReviewLian-Hee Wee Phonological ToneYasunori Takahashi163
Memoranda and Personalia169
2019 年度役員181
日本言語学会 大会発表規程189
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)189
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules199
LSJ Presentation Guidelines199
Message from the Editorial Board202


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2019(2019) No.156

Featured ThemeFeatured Theme: Contrastive Linguistic Studies Today
Interaction of Verbal Categories in a Typological Perspective
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Andrej L. Malchukov1
Two Routes to the Mayan VOS: From the View of Kaqchikel
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Koichi Otaki, Koji Sugisaki, Noriaki Yusa, and Masatoshi Koizumi25
The Thetic/Categorical Distinction in Tagalog Revisited: A Contrastive Perspective
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Naonori Nagaya47
ArticlesBCCWJ-EyeTrack: Reading Time Annotation on the ‘Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Masayuki Asahara, Hajime Ono, and Edson T. Miyamoto67
Negation and Irrealis Modality in Tunis Arabic
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Taku Kumakiri97
Obituary Hiroyuki Umeda
梅田博之先生の思い出 田窪行則/梅田博之先生を哭す 藤本幸夫/梅田博之先生のご逝去を悼んで 韓美卿/略年譜/主要著作目録
Memoranda and Personalia135
2019 年度役員161
日本言語学会 大会発表規程169
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)169
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules179
LSJ Presentation Guidelines179


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2019(2019) No.155

ArticlesDifference between L1 and L2 Language Processing in the Use of Subcategorization Information Evidence form Syntactic Priming
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, and Yasunari Harada1
An Eye-tracking Investigation of Pre-head and Head-driven Processing for Scrambled Japanese Sentences
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Katsuo Tamaoka and Michael P. Mansbridge35
Effects of Vowels and Voiced Obstruents on Pokémon Names:
Experimental and Theoretical Approaches
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Gakuji Kumagai and Shigeto Kawahara65
r-Epenthesis and Ryukyuan
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Brent de Chene101
On the Locative Structure of -te iru Progressives in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Mikinari Matsuoka131
ForumDifferentiating Subjects from VP-adjuncts:
A Psycholinguistic Case Study of kara-marked NPs
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Xin Mu, Masatoshi Koizumi, and Katsuo Tamaoka159
The 157th Meeting of the LSJ: Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops173
Memoranda and Personalia204
2018 年度役員219
日本言語学会 大会発表規程227
日本言語学会 大会発表応募要旨作成要項(応募時)227
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules237
LSJ Presentation Guidelines237


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2018(2018) No.154

Presidential AddressLanguage, Cognition and Logic, Viewed from the Polysemy of a Japanese Formal Noun tokoro (location)
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yukinori Takubo1
Featured ThemeFeatured Theme: Focus and Focus-related Phenomena
On the Incompatibility of Wh and Focus
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Giuliano Bocci,
Luigi Rizzi, and
Mamoru Saito
From Pragmatics to Sentence Type: Non-topical S/A
Arguments and Clause-second Particles in the Kalahari Basin
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Tom Güldemann,
Lee J. Pratchett, and
Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
Information Structure, Focus, and Focus-Marking Hierarchies in Ryukyuan Languages
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Michinori Shimoji85
The Focus Construction in Early Modern Kolyma Yukaghir
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Iku Nagasaki123
Differences in the Way of Perceiving and Describing Events
between English and Japanese Native Speakers
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Hajime Ito153
ForumA Challenge to Nishigauchi’s (2016) Analysis of the Specificational Sentence
in terms of the ‘Core Noun Phrase’
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yuji Nishiyama and Ken’ya Nishikawa177
When Passives Mean Causative: The Role of the Agent-Oriented Adverb Wazato
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Yuji Hatakeyama, Kensuke Honda, and Kosuke Tanaka193
The 156th Meeting of the LSJ: Abstracts of Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations205
A Report on the XXth International Congress of Linguists, 2018 Shigeki Kaji228
Memoranda and Personalia231
2018 年度役員253
日本言語学会 大会発表規程261
日本言語学会 大会発表要項261
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules271
LSJ Presentation Guidelines271


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2018(2018) No.153

ArticlesProjection of Negative Scope in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Hideki Kishimoto5
Deaspiration and the Laryngeal Specification of Fricatives in Jinghpaw
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Keita Kurabe41
Stochastic Phonological Knowledge and Word Formation in Japanese
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Gakuji Kumagai And
Shigeto Kawahara
The 155th Meeting: Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops85
Memoranda and Personalia113
2017 年度役員127
日本言語学会 大会発表規程135
日本言語学会 大会発表要項135
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules145
LSJ Presentation Guidelines145
Message from the Editorial Board152


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2017(2017) No.152

Featured ThemeGenerative Grammar: Issues on Movement
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Shigeru Miyagawa1
Tone Sandhi in Taiwanese and Phasal Spell-out
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Željko Bošković31
Defocalization in Cantonese Right Dislocation
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Tsz Ming Lee59
ArticlesOn Morphological Differences between Class IV and V Strong and Preterite-present Verbs in Germanic:
A Critical Examination of Schumacher’s (2005)
Treatise and a New Proposal Based on Morphological Conflation
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Toshiya Tanaka89
Final Ending Forms in Conversations in Yenpyen-region Korean:
With a Focus on Differences by Degree of Intimacy in Relations and Attributes of the Speaker
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English)(References in Roman Alphabet
Takeya Takagi117
Obituary Kazuko Inoue
井上和子先生を偲んで 影山太郎/井上和子先生を偲ぶ―「笑顔」「夢」「信じること」― 長谷川信子/あの頃の井上先生 福井直樹/井上和子先生を偲んで 上田由紀子/
略年譜/井上和子先生主要著作目録(藤巻一真 作成)
The 154th Meeting: Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops143
Memoranda and Personalia171
日本言語学会 大会発表規程203
日本言語学会 大会発表要項203
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules213
LSJ Presentation Guidelines213
Message from the Editorial Board216


GENGO KENKYU Vol.2017(2017) No.151

ArticlesJapanese Subordinate Clauses without a Head:
The Non-occurrence of DO, SAY, and THINK
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
David Yoshikazu Oshima1
“X-ga aru” Sentences Expressing Event Occurrence
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Kazumitsu Kubota37
A New Analysis on Sakha “dual” Marking:
An Indicator for a Group of Hearers
本文PDF)(日本語要旨)(Abstract in English
Fuyuki Ebata63
Book ReviewToshiko Igawa Event Semantics and Syntax of Japanese and EnglishTomohide Kinuhata75
The 153rd Meeting: Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops81
Memoranda and Personalia113
2016 年度役員127
日本言語学会 大会発表規程135
日本言語学会 大会発表要項135
Information for Contributors to Gengo Kenkyu
(Rules for Manuscript Submission, Style Sheet)
LSJ Presentation Rules145
LSJ Presentation Guidelines145
Message from the Editorial Board148
