


堀 博文(静岡大学)



白井 聡子(東京大学)

本論文ではまず体言化理論に基づいてダパ語の類別詞を「数詞に後続して体言化し,その数詞基盤体言化形式を範疇化しうる語類」と定義する。この定義により,類別詞と関連する現象との区別が明らかになるほか,類別詞が見せるさまざまな現象を統一的に記述できる。次に,意味論的分類を援用しつつ,注目すべきいくつかの類別詞についてその特性を検討する。汎用個別類別詞ji と人間専用の類別詞zja がいずれも人間に用いられるが,これはチァン諸語の中でも北部の言語に見られる地域特徴であると考えられる。類別詞の語源については,少なくとも借用語に由来するものと,固有内容語からの文法化が含まれることが確認できる。最後に,固有内容語から類別詞への文法化現象について,数詞を含む複合語および数詞「1」を用いた動名詞化と対比して検討した。これらは共時的には異なる構造であるが,文法化の元となる形式に共通性があると結論づけられる。


統語依存関係に基づく位相研究 ――文章ジャンルの位相差を対象に――

李 文平(上海財経大学)・劉 海濤(浙江大学)・ 小森 早江子(中部大学)

本研究では,異なる文章ジャンル間の相違点と共通点を把握するために,統語情報が付与された日本語コーパス,具体的には「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス」(国立国語研究所)のコアデータのツリーバンクである「UD Japanese-BCCWJ」を利用し,白書,新聞,書籍,雑誌,Yahoo! ブログ,Yahoo! 知恵袋の6 つのジャンル間で統語依存関係,統語複雑度,依存方向において位相差があるか否かを考察した。その結果,統語依存関係,統語複雑度,依存方向はジャンルごとに異なっており,これらの指標は内容語か機能語かといった指標と同様に,文章ジャンルの特徴をある程度反映していることがわかった。また,統語複雑度と関係する依存距離は最小化される傾向があるという位相間に共通の法則が見られた*。


井上 史雄(東京外国語大学)・半沢 康(福島大学)

本稿では山形県庄内地方で行われた方言調査データに多重対応分析を適用した結果を報告する。江戸時代の方言集『浜荻』掲載406 語の残存率について1950 年に3 世代,2018 年に4 世代の調査が行われ,長期の言語変化が分かった。「年齢柱方言地図」と「単純化グロットグラム」を作図して考察した。140年にわたる世代差を踏まえ,20 世紀の地域差の大きい時期から,21 世紀の世代差の大きい時期に移行したことを論じる。
 多重対応分析によって方言の分布と変化の複雑なパターンを要約し,全体傾向を把握できた。第1 軸には140 年という長さの年齢差が表れ,第2 軸以下には庄内方言南北80 km の地域差が示された。南北差が大きいので,鶴岡からの徒歩距離を計測して「単純化グロットグラム」を作成し,代表的な8 語のうち3 語を例示した。地方的周圏分布が見られるとともに,現在の若い世代の急速な方言衰退が見られ,他方中学生による方言使用も観察された*。


井上 雅勝(武庫川女子大学)・藏藤 健雄(立命館大学)・松井 理直(大阪保健医療大学)

本研究では,量化詞を伴う日本語の他動詞文(Q)NP1- が(Q)NP2- をV1(Q =「すべて」または「ほとんど」)がどのように解釈されるかを独自の方法により調査した。その結果,回答の半数以上で量化の三部構造が形成されていない非TPS(tripartite structure)量化による解釈が見いだされた。次に,(Q)NP1- が[(Q)NP2- をV3] N4- をV5(N4 は関係節主要部名詞句)のような関係節埋め込み文の読み時間を測定する2 つの実験を行い,非TPS 量化解釈がよりなされやすい場合に,N4 の読み時間が長くなること(ガーデンパス効果)を明らかにした。本稿では,量化文が非TPS 量化として解釈されると即時に解釈が決定されるのに対し,量化の三部構造にもとづくTPS 量化では解釈決定が一時的に遅延されるという仮説の観点から,これらの結果およびその理論的意義を論議する*。


吉田 和彦(京都産業大学)

アナトリア諸語においては,語幹形成母音*-e/o- を持つ動詞(thematic verbs)は実質的に記録されていない。しかしながら,一般に*-e/o- で終わると考えられている印欧祖語の接尾辞*-i̯ e/o- および*-sk̑e/o- を持つ動詞は数多くみられる。このふたつの接尾辞は動詞現在形語幹を形成するために用いられていた。アナトリア祖語の時期において能動態の動詞パラダイムに語幹形成母音*-o- が再建されることを示す根拠はない。そして接尾辞の母音が一貫して*-e- である(*-i̯ e- および*-sk̑e-)のは印欧祖語に遡る特徴であることが実証される。アナトリア語派以外の言語においてみられる,パラダイム内部で交替する語幹形成母音*-e- ~ *-o- の起源は,語根にアクセントのある接尾辞*´-i̯ e/o– を持つ現在形にあると考えられる。アナトリア語派が印欧祖語から離脱した後,なお一体性を保っていた他のすべての語派において,アクセントの後の閉音節にある*-e- は*-o- になるという音変化が生じた。その結果,動詞パラダイム内部に*´-i̯ e- ~ *´-i̯ o- という交替がもたらされた。さらに語尾直前にある*-e- ~ *-o- は,現在形動詞語尾を独自に特徴づけるために,語尾の一部として再解釈された結果,この*-e-~ *-o- は後に接尾辞を持たない動詞にも広がった。



脇坂 美和子

本稿は,滋賀県湖北方言の京阪式アクセントに属する変種に見られる2 つのアクセントパターンの交替を記述し,その形式と意味を明らかにすることを目的とする。この方言には,述語文のアクセントを維持する無標の=N=yaと,これを平板化する有標の=N(=ya) が存在する。無標の形式は,共通語のノダ文の文脈で全て使用できるのに対して,有標の形式は話者が話題について予備知識をもつことを前提に,これを説明または真偽を確認するときにのみ現れる。これは,方言研究において,たとえば井上(2006a)に見られるような,平叙文においては異なる方言形式が,共通語ではともにノダ文で表され,異なる意味を表すという記述に合致するとともに,先行研究におけるノダ文の交替を文法化とみなす傾向を支持するものであり,また疑問文においてもこれを適用し得ることを示唆している。この方言においては,このような区別がアクセントの交替によって実現されていること,またその意味がモダリティに関わるものであることから,本稿では,ここに観察されるアクセントの交替が,日本語方言の文法化やノダ文のモダリティの記述に際して考慮すべきファクターであることを主張した*。

Featured Theme: Diversity of Classifiers

Verbal Classifiers in Haida

Hirofumi Hori(Shizuoka University)

Haida, a language isolate spoken in the northwestern coast of North America, uses classifiers on verbs to denote the semantic category of the referent of a noun that functions as the subject of an intransitive clause or the object of a transitive clause. The present study shows that the functions of Haida classifiers can be roughly divided into static and dynamic in terms of the degree of dependence on the contexts in which they occur. The former function relates to noun classification, in which classifiers refer to inherent properties of the syntactically associated noun, whereas in the latter function, classifiers denote the temporal state of the noun referent or the state or manner of an action to add some meaning to the verbal root. Thus, Haida classifiers can be considered distinctive in that they cover a wide range of functions, from typical noun classifications to various other kinds of functions.*
Key words: verbal classifier, noun categorization, Haida

Classifiers in nDrapa: Definition and Categorization

Satoko Shirai(The University of Tokyo)

This study investigated nDrapa classifiers according to nominalization theory. First, based on Shibatani’s (2021a) definition of classifiers, I defined nDrapa classifiers as a class of words that can follow a numeral to nominalize it and categorize the numeral-based nominalization. On one hand, the definition distinguishes classifiers and other categories of words; on the other hand, it allows us to examine various aspects of classifiers consistently. Next, in three semantic categories—[i] individual, [ii] collective, and [iii] mensural—I examined properties of frequently used classifiers. Characteristically, both the default individual classifier ji and the proper human classifier zja are used for the number of humans. This is probably a feature of the northern regions of the Qiangic language area. Possible etyma of the classifiers include borrowing and grammaticalization of content words, although detailed study of their historical development remains for future reserch. Finally, I examined the grammaticalization process in contrast with compounds and verbal nouns, which in previous studies were regarded as a type of classifier. I concluded that they are different constructions synchronically, but they shared common features of origin in the grammaticalization process.*
Key words: classifiers, numeral-based nominalization, grammaticalization, nDrapa, Qiangic


A Phase Research Based on Syntactic Dependency Relations:
For the Phase Differences of Text Genre

Wenping Li(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Haitao Liu(Zhejiang University)
Saeko Komori(Chubu University)

In order to analyze the differences and similarities of text genres, this study used the treebank of the core data of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (UD Japanese BCCWJ). Comparing six genres, white papers, newspapers, books, magazines, Yahoo! Blogs, and Yahoo! Chiebukuro, we investigated the phase differences in syntactic dependency relations, syntactic complexities, and dependency directions. The result shows that there are obvious differences in syntactic dependency relations, syntactic complexities, and dependency directions among text genres. It suggests that these three indicators reflect the characteristics of text genres to some extent as well as indicators like content words or function words. This research used the Japanese corpus with syntactic annotations to analyze the phase differences of text genres in syntactic aspects. Through these analyses, we found that the dependency distance, which indicates the syntactic complexity, tends to be minimized among different text genres. This could be a common law among phases.

From Geographical Differences to Age Differences of Dialect:
Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Shonai Hamaogi Glottograms

Fumio Inoue(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Yasushi Hanzawa(Fukushima University)

In this paper, we analyze the data of a dialect survey conducted in the Shonai district of Yamagata Prefecture and discuss the change from a period of large regional differences to a period of large generation differences. “Hamaogi” is a dialect glossary of Tsuruoka in the Shonai district of Yamagata Prefecture, which was compiled in 1767. In 1950 and 2018, the Hamaogi Survey was conducted to examine the remnant rate of the vocabulary items in the glossary. The data consists of seven age groups at intervals of about 20 years, so the maximum difference between the youngest and eldest groups was about 140 years. The time length is large for a glottogram which is usually 60 or 70 years apart. About 370 people from 27 localities were plotted in 27 pillars by age difference in “age pillar maps”, and “simplified glottograms”.
This paper first explains the overall picture of the age and regional differences and presents eight typical glottograms. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was applied to 406 words from the glossary and the values of the first to fourth axes were shown in scattergrams. The difference in vocabulary by age and locality for each of the 370 informants was shown in “simplified glottograms”. Results showed the difference according to age was most significant. The significance of the length of 140 years appeared on the first axis. The second, third and fourth axes all pointed to the regional differences in the Shonai dialect, showing an overarching tendency of contrast between north and south. 250 years have passed since the compilation of Hamaogi. Rapid standardization progressed after the War, and the dialect situation shifted from a time with large regional difference to a time with large generational difference.

Interpretations and Processing Strategies for Japanese Quantificational Sentences

Masakatsu Inoue(Mukogawa Women’s University)
Takeo Kurafuji(Ritsumeikan University)
Michinao F. Matsui(Osaka Health Science University)

In this project, we first investigated interpretations of Japanese quantified sentences like ‘(Q) NP1-nom (Q)NP2-acc V’ in a novel way. We found that, in more than half of the responses we obtained, the sentences were not interpreted based on tripartite structures (we named such quantification ‘non-TPS (tripartite structure) quantification’). Next, two experiments were carried out to measure the reading times of sentences with an embedded relative clause, such as ‘(Q)NP1-nom [(Q)NP2-acc V3] N4-acc V5,’ where N4 is a head noun modified by a relative clause. The findings revealed that the reading time of N4 was longer, an example of the garden path effect, when Qs tended to receive interpretations based on non-TPS quantification. These results and their implications are discussed according to the following hypothesis: When a Q is interpreted without TPS quantification, the interpretation of the whole quantified sentence is immediately determined, whereas the interpretation decision is temporarily delayed when TPS quantification is involved.

On the Origin of the Indo-European Thematic Present

Kazuhiko Yoshida(Kyoto Sangyo University)

The Anatolian languages have virtually no attestation of simple thematic verbs in *-e/o-, but thematic verbs with the suffixes *-i̯e/o- and *-sk̑e/o- are abundantly attested. They were both used to form the present stem. There is no compelling evidence for reconstructing the thematic vowel *-o- in the active paradigm for Proto-Anatolian. The persistent e-vocalism is a feature inherited from Proto-Indo-European. The thematic conjugation originated from the root accented ´-i̯e/o-present. After Anatolian split off, the extra-Anatolian branches remaining as a unity underwent the phonological rule that changed *e to *o in post-tonic closed syllables, so that the alternation of *´-i̯ e- and *´-i̯ o- was introduced into the verbal paradigm. The vowels *e and *o of the suffix immediately preceding the endings came to be reinterpreted as a part of the endings, and the new endings with *-e/o- later spread to the simple thematic active verbs.
Key words: Indo-European comparative grammar, Anatolian languages, sound change, verbal morphology, philology


Pitch Accent Patterns, Forms, and Meanings of ‘no=da’ Sentences in the Japanese Kohoku Dialect

Miwako Wakizaka

This paper aims to describe two accent pattern alternations observed in the Keihan-type accent of the Japanese Kohoku dialect spoken in Shiga prefecture, and to clarify their forms and meanings. This dialect has two varieties of the ‘no=da’ structure for nominal predicates; one is the unmarked ‘=N=ya’ that maintains pitch patterns of predicate sentences, and the other is the marked ‘=N (=ya)’ that cancels pitch patterns, removing the accent. The unmarked form can be used in any situation where ‘no=da’ would be used in standard Japanese, whereas the marked form only appears in cases where the speaker has prior knowledge of the topic and intends to explain or confirm that knowledge with the hearer. The alternation patterns of the ‘no=da’ structure in declarative sentences corresponds with previous studies such as Inoue (2006a), which explain that different dialect varieties distinguish two different meanings of ‘no=da’ in standard Japanese. They also support the argument that such patterns can be considered grammaticalization in Japanese dialects, and suggest that they can be applied in interrogative sentences. In this dialect, differentiation occurs through accent alternations, and meaning is related to modality. Taking these into account, this paper argues that pitch patterns are important factors that should be considered in relation to grammaticalization and modality in Japanese dialects.