
特集 言語学と哲学












巽 智子(東京外国語大学大学院生/日本学術振興会特別研究員)

メキシコ合衆国東南部で話される先住民言語サユラ・ポポルカ語(ミヘ・ソケ語族)では反転inversionが観察される。反転は、トピカリティーによる参加者のランキングと項の対応関係によって、順向と逆向の構造が区別される文法現象である。参加者のランキングは基本的に直示的区別によるもので、SAP(発話行為参加者)>3人称という階層で表される。サユラ・ポポルカ語において反転は参加者標示体系の根本を成すものであり、全ての多項動詞は反転による対立を見せ得る。形態統語上、3つの下位体系が観察され、それらはSAP/non-SAP, intra-SAP, extra-SAPの3つの参加者構成の区別に対応する。extra-SAP構成においては、参加者をランク付けする疎化obviationのメカニズムに、有生性およびディスコース上のトピカリティーが関与する。本稿は、サユラ・ポポルカ語の反転体系の形態統語論を概観し、この体系を反転の類型論の中に位置づけることを目的とする。



川原 繁人(慶應義塾大学)

Nishimura(2003, 2006)は、日本語の借用語における有声促音が他の有声阻害音と共起する場合、無声化し得ると指摘している。この無声化のパターンについては、これまで理論・実験の観点から多くの分析があり、理論的諸問題の解決に貢献してきている。しかしながら、自然発話のデータを基にした研究はほとんど例がなく、社会言語学的な要因も仮定されていない。これらの背景を踏まえ本稿にて『日本語話し言葉コーパス』を用いて検証を行った結果、以下の2点が確認された。まず先行研究において確認されている、必異原理が有声促音の無声化を促進する効果が自然発話データにおいても確認された。次に、多くの言語外的・社会言語学的要因が無声化の適用・不適用に影響を与えているということが確認された。本稿における取り組みにより、これまでの研究で注目されることのなかった無声化のパターンを統御する潜在的要因が新たに明らかとなった。

Featured Theme: Linguistics and Philosophy

A Philosophical Reflection on Linguistics:
How Can We Share Meaning Even Though It Is Essentially Arbitrary?

Hiroyuki Yamaguchi(Tokushima University)

The origin of modern linguistics lies in modern philosophy. Saussurean linguistics was influenced by the philosophical theory of perception, which in turn inspired linguistic relativity as represented by the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, as opposed to the linguistic universalism advocated by Chomsky. This paper demonstrates that both positions confuse perception with meaning. While what is perceived is intrinsically individualistic, meaning only comes into existence when several individuals are grouped into a category by generalization. One of the fundamental issues concerning language is the sharing of meaning, although meaning is essentially arbitrary. This paper argues that the sharing of meaning is motivated by our desire to co-operate with others, since it is only when we do this that the need to share our intentions comes into play. This desire, supported by the pleasure of sharing the results of co-operation, is exactly what distinguishes human beings from higher primates such as chimpanzees.

On the Scientific Acceptability of Semantic Categories

Takahiro Morita(Toyo University)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the foundations of various linguistic categorizations and to discuss how to justify categories based on meaning. Although linguistics is generally considered to be a science, not all categories proposed in the literature can meet the scientific requirements for categorization, according to which categories must be identified through some verifiable operations and defined by invariant results. This is especially the case with categories based on meaning, although they are indispensable for linguistic research. What, then, ensures the validity of semantic categories such as verb classes? This paper claims that such categories are justified insofar as (1) the motivation for the categorization is shared by linguists and (2) the categories can provide a better explanation for a wide range of linguistic phenomena, beyond those that motivated the categorization in the first place.

Cognitive Linguistics and Philosophy

Tomohiro Sakai(Atomi University)

The cognitive claim that language is a reflection of our recognition of the world raises the two following issues: (i) What exactly do we recognize? (ii) Who exactly recognizes the world? Although cognitive linguistics assumes the dualism of outer and inner worlds, i.e. objective and mentally constructed worlds, their arguments fail to follow their assumption. What they claim to be the facts about the world often turns out to be nothing but reflections of our construal of the world. Their argument can then be reformulated in terms of monism. The claim that language is a reflection of our recognition of the world is also at odds with contrastive linguistics. In this framework, differences between languages should be accounted for in terms of differences of the native speakers’ recognition of the world, which often leads to the notion of “meaning independent of speakers’ recognition”, contrary to what is assumed by cognitive linguistics.


Inversion in Sayula Popoluca

Tomoko Tatsumi(Graduate student,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / JSPS research fellow)

Sayula Popoluca, a Mixe-Zoquean language spoken in southeastern Mexico, exhibits an inverse system. Inversion is a grammatical phenomenon in which the topicality ranking of participants and their corresponding argument types determine the choice between direct and inverse constructions. The principal motivation for this contrast is deictic, which is represented by an SAP (speech act participant) > 3 hierarchy. Inversion is so pervasive in this language that all polyvalent verbs are involved. Morphosyntactically, there are three subsystems corresponding to three different participant-configurations: SAP/non-SAP, intra-SAP, and extra-SAP. Extra-SAP configuration involves another mechanism called obviation to rank participants. This paper aims to provide a descriptive sketch of the morphosyntax of Sayula Popoluca’s inverse system and locate it within the typology of inversion.*


A Corpus-Based Study of Geminate Devoicing in Japanese:
The Role of the OCP and External Factors

Shin-ichiro Sano(Okayama Prefectural University)
Shigeto Kawahara(Keio University)

Nishimura (2003, 2006) pointed out that in Japanese loanwords, voiced obstruent geminates can optionally devoice when they co-occur with another voiced obstruent (e.g. /doggu/ → [dokku] ‘dog’). This devoicing pattern has been analyzed within a number of theoretical frameworks, and has thereby contributed to address several theoretical issues. The pattern, moreover, has been studied in several experimental, judgment-based studies. However, there are only a few studies on actual production data. Furthermore, all of the previous studies have generally assumed that the devoicing pattern under question is a sociolinguistically monolithic phenomenon. This paper addresses these two issues. By studying the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (Kokuritsu-Kokugo-Kenkyuujo 2008), we first confirm the previous claim that the OCP makes devoicing of geminates more likely in actual production data. Moreover, the results also reveal that many external, sociolinguistic factors affect the applicability of devoicing. The overall results thus contribute to the deeper understanding of the phenomenon by revealing various hitherto unnoticed factors that affect the applicability of devoicing.*