



本稿では,契丹語の名詞類に用いられる複数接尾辞について扱った。契丹語の複数接尾辞として-ɲɛr,-d,-s,-dʒ,-ɲ,-l を認め,それらの使用される条件について考察を加えた。複数接尾辞の分布ついてこれまでに十分検討されたことはなかったが,筆者の調査の結果,接尾辞の分布は接続する語の意味と深く関係していることが明らかとなった。さらに,語と接続する接尾辞の関係を有生性の階層の観点から捉えうることを示した。具体的には,-ɲer は階層の上位の人称代名詞及び親族名詞に,-d は-ɲer に比べて下位の生物名詞・無生物名詞に用いられ,-s,-ɲ はさらに下位のより抽象性の高い無生物名詞・形容詞に用いられる。これらの接尾辞の選択が契丹語の品詞・名詞クラスと関係している可能性についても述べた*。



疑問詞疑問専用の係助詞を持つ方言では,その係助詞が文を疑問文化しているのかは一見明らかでない。この問題について,本稿では,南琉球宮古語の伊良部集落方言を取り上げ,この方言では係助詞gaが文を疑問文化していることを示す。この方言では,直接疑問文では疑問詞と係助詞の分布は一致しているが,間接疑問文では分布が異なり,係助詞gaは話し手が節の答えを知らないなど疑問詞節の答えに対する確信度が低い場合にのみ使われる。この疑問詞節の答えを知らないということを疑問文の定義的性質とすると,係助詞ga が疑問文化の機能を担っていると言うことができる。しかし,他の宮古諸方言話者の中には,この係助詞の疑問文化の機能が認められないものもいる。ここには,既に形態的な呼応を失っている宮古語の係助詞が,さらに,文のタイプを決めるという係り結びの機能までを失っていくプロセスが観察される*。


坂本 勉(九州大学)

本研究は,事象関連電位を指標として,形態統語的処理と意味的処理がどのように相互作用しているのかを検討した。実験の結果,格違反文(値段をあがる)に対して左前頭部陰性波とP600 が観察された。また,格違反は含まないが意味役割が逆転した文(値段があげる)において,同様の左前頭部陰性波とP600 が観察された。もしこの左前頭部陰性波が形態統語的な違反効果を反映しているとすれば,この結果は,形態統語的処理と意味的処理が,動詞の呈示開始語400 ms 辺りで相互作用していることを示唆している。


Plural Suffixes in Khitan

Yasunori Takeuchi(The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University)

The purpose of the research is to identify the conditions under which plural suffixes are used in nouns in the Khitan language. According to our investigation, the distribution of such plural suffixes as -ɲɛr, -d, -s, -dʒ, -ɲ, and -l is closely related to the meaning of the words to which they are attached. This relationship can be captured by an animacy hierarchy. Specifically, -ɲer is used with personal pronouns and kinship terms of high animacy, and -d is used with both animate and inanimate nouns of lower animacy, while -s and -ɲ are used with highly abstract inanimate nouns and adjectives of even lower animacy. We also demonstrate a possible connection between the selection of these suffixes and parts of speech/noun classes in the Khitan language.

Kakari-musubi of wh-questions in Miyako Ryukyuan:
Focusing on the Aza-Irabu Dialect

Tomohide Kinuhata(Fukuoka University)

When a wh-word and the kakari particle marking questions coexist in a single sentence, it is not clear which makes the sentence interrogative. In this paper, I propose that in the Aza-Irabu dialect it is not the wh-word but the kakari particle ga that determines the sentence type. In this dialect, while the distribution of the kakari particle ga agrees with that of the wh-word in the unembedded context, the use of the former is more restricted than that of the latter in embedded questions: ga can only appear in an embedded clause whose answer the speaker or the subject is uncertain of. Given the speaker/subject’s uncertainty as the definition of interrogatives, it is concluded that the kakari particle ga determines the sentence type. There are, however, some speakers of other varieties of Miyakoan who have lost this function of the kakari particle. This means that the decline of kakari-musubi proceeds from the loss of morphological concordance to the loss of the function of determining the sentence type.

The Interaction of Morphosyntactic and Semantic Processing in Japanese Sentence Comprehension:
Evidence from Event-Related Brain Potentials

Masataka Yano(Kyushu University/
JSPS Research Fellow)Tsutomu Sakamoto(Kyushu University)

The present study examined event-related brain potential (ERP) responses to apparent Case-assignment violations to explore how morphosyntactic and semantic processing interact with each other during Japanese sentence comprehension. Consistent with previous studies on Case-assignment violation, the present results found that a Case-assignment violation elicited a left anterior negativity (LAN), followed by a posterior P600 compared with its grammatical counterpart. Crucially, the LAN-P600 effects were also elicited by a morphosyntactically well-formed sentence with a thematic implausible argument that may potentially force the sentence processor to perceive an apparent Case-assignment violation. Provided that the LAN effects can be interpreted as a morphosyntactic violation effect, these findings suggest that the morphosyntactic and semantic processing streams operate at least partially in parallel during sentence comprehension and that they begin to interact with one another at approximately 400 ms (at the latest) after encountering a verb.*
Key words: Japanese, Psycholinguistics, Sentence Comprehension, Event-Related Brain Potentials (ERPs), Left Anterior Negativity (LAN)