LSJ Presentation Rules

  1. The three presentation categories at LSJ meetings are: oral presentations, poster presentations, and workshops.
  2. Members of LSJ are eligible to apply for presentation at LSJ meetings. In the case of multi-author presentations, the first author must be a member. For workshops, both the organizer and the chair must be members.
  3. Submissions will not be accepted if the membership dues for the academic year when the application was made have not been paid.
  4. Papers to be presented at a meeting should be unpublished and should not have been delivered or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Acceptance of the paper will be revoked if it is shown that the paper does not satisfy this condition. If an abstract’s presentation is canceled after being published in the conference abstract book, it will be removed from the book.
  5. Authors must follow the LSJ Presentation Guidelines.
  6. Acceptance of papers for the program will be approved by the organizing committee.

(Revised November 28, 2015)
(Revised June 25, 2016)
(Revised November 17, 2018)
(Revised June 29, 2024)