Manuscript Submission Guidelines for the Conference Abstract Book

The Conference Abstract Book is a collection of abstracts submitted at the time of the conference application. Revisions should be limited to minor changes such as typos and spelling mistakes. Substantial changes to the content of the abstract are not permitted.

Deadline for Submission

Within a few days after notification of acceptance (to be notified at the time of notification of acceptance)

Page Length and Margins

(1) Oral and poster presentation: One A4 sheet. References may be written on the second page.
(2) Workshops: Up to two A4 sheets
(3) The manuscript should have 25 mm margins on the top and the bottom, and 20 mm on the left and right sides of each page.

The manuscript should include the body of the abstract submitted at the time of application, with the addition of the presentation number, title, and the name(s) of the author(s) or organizer.
(1) The manuscript starts with the presentation number in a 16-point font. The number should be placed at the far left of the first line, or at the leftmost end of the line above the title if the title is long. The presentation number can be found in the notification of acceptance. Examples: “A-1”, “P-2”, “W-3”.
(2) After the presentation number, the title should be placed at the center of the first line in an 11-point BOLD format. Do not format the entire title in italics. Leave at least one space between the presentation number and the title.
(3) The name(s) of the author(s) should be centered on a line below the title, in a standard font of at least 10 points. Affiliation and email address are optional.
(4) Leave one blank line between the author information and the body of the abstract. Leave one blank line between the abstract and the references. If the references start on the second page, no blank line is necessary.
(5) A standard 10 point or larger font should be used for the body of the abstract. Avoid using special characters and abbreviations. The font size rule does not apply to tables, figures, and examples.

Do not use any annotations.

Do not include keywords, headers, footers, or a label such as “title”, “abstract”.

The page numbers should not be included.

Submit the manuscript in both Text (e.g. Word) and PDF formats. Use the same file name for both the Text and PDF files: “Presentation number_Author name”. Names should be written in English in the order of “Last name First name”, with a half-width underscore between the presentation number and the name. Example: “A-1_Yamada Taro”, “W-1_Tanaka Jiro”.
(1) Oral and poster presentations: If there are multiple authors, only the first author’s name should be indicated in the file name
(2) Workshop: The file name should have the presentation number with the organizer’s name included

Submission Procedures
(1) Submissions for oral and poster presentations should be made by the first author. Submissions for workshops should be made by the organizer.
(2) Send the file containing the manuscript using the method specified by the LSJ Office.

(Revised November 28, 2015)
(Revised November 17, 2018)
(Revised November 11, 2023)