Style Sheet (extract) and Editorial Manager

Style Sheet (extract) and Editorial Manager

Papers may be submitted by Editorial Manager for Gengo Kenkyu.


Download entire text: PDF file


1. Categories of manuscripts

Contributors may submit manuscripts in one of the following four categories:

  • A. Articles (Research papers)
  • B. Forum papers (A paper that is incomplete, but that is original and solid in conception and direction and has significant potential for future development.)
  • C. Review Articles (Critical discussion of publications by others)
  • D. Reviews and Book Notices (Short notes on recently published books)

2. Languages of publication

Only manuscripts written in one of the following languages may be accepted: Japanese, English, French, and German.

3. Manuscripts:

  1. In principle, papers must be submitted using the online submission/review system for Gengo Kenkyu. This system accepts only one PDF file, which should co nsist of the body of the text, references, abstracts, and notes. Contributors who cannot use this system for an unavoidable reason may contact the LSJ offic e for other submission methods.
  2. Manuscripts must not exceed 40 pages for articles in Category A, 15 pages for Forum papers in Category B, 20 pages for review articles in Category C, and 10 pages for short reviews in Category D, inclusive of figures, tables, trees, and other diagrams, and references, abstracts, and notes on a separate page for each. No manuscript will be accepted if it does not follow the conditions mentioned above. The contributors who have difficulty in submitting papers based on the template should contact the editorial board using the “Submission and Review System”.
    You can download template file (for MS WORD) from the link below:
    Template for Western Language Manuscript
  3. All pages should be numbered serially, including notes, references, and the abstract.

Text of the paper:

Title (and subtitle), a maximum of five keywords denoting the paper’s research area and methodology, and the main text of the paper. Do not include the name(s) or affiliation(s) of author(s). All manuscripts will be refereed anonymously. Authors are therefore requested to avoid making their identity known in any way.


See Section 6 for concrete examples. If the list of references contains any letters other than those of the Roman alphabet, a corresponding list of references containing only Roman letters (Japanese Romanized letters and Chinese pinyin included) must be submitted separately after the paper has been accepted for publication.


Each article carries two abstracts at the end, one in English (not more than 200 words) and the other in Japanese (not more than 400 characters). However, submission of a Japanese abstract may be deferred until after the manuscript is accepted for publication. Authors who are unable to prepare a Japanese abstract may write only an English abstract.


See Section 6 in the full text of Style Sheet.

(Revised March 2022)