Category: お知らせ

Discontinuation of meeting handbooks. Abstracts and websites for presentation materials and recordings newly available instead.

The Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ) has traditionally published the meeting proceedings (the handbook). Following the decisions made at the recent Board of Councilors meeting, (1) LSJ will discontinue the publication of the meeting handbooks after the 168th meeting, and (2) LSJ will start publishing a “Book of Abstracts” and also launch “Pages for Materials and Videos” from the 169th meeting onwards.

  • The Book of Abstracts will include the abstracts for the oral presentations and poster presentations.
  • The Book of Abstracts will be published on the LSJ website (just like the meeting handbooks published there until 168th meeting).
  • The “Pages for Materials and Videos” will include the following:
    • Materials provided by presenters about their presentations (slides, handouts, etc.)
    • Videos recorded by the conference organizing committee (these will be available a few days after the conference)
  • Access to the “Pages for Materials and Videos” will be restricted to registered participants. The Pages will be closed after a certain period after the conference.

LSJ Summer Institute: Change of the Instructor

The Linguistic Society of Japan has been offering an intensive one-week summer course every other year since 1999. Although it was canceled or held virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, this year in 2024, the summer course resumes in person at Kobe University. We are expecting many participants who are interested in language. For more details, please visit the website (in Japanese).
Note that the instructor of psycholinguistics has been changed from Professor Yuki Hirose to Professors Yasushi Terao and Toshiki Iwabuchi.

Information about the 168th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Information about the 168th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan is updated (handbook).

Information about the 168th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan is updated (program and online registration)

  • Information about the 168th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan is updated (program and online registration).
  • Please check the webpage for the 168th Meeting.
  • Registration page (Peatix)
  • The registration fee is 2,000 yen for general members, 1,000 yen for student members, 3,000 yen for non-members and 2,000 yen for student non-members.