Summer Institute

Information about the LSJ Summer Institute 2024

(1) Dates and Venue: August 26th (Mon) – 31st (Sat), 2024, Kobe University (Rokkodai 2nd Campus)
(2) Entry: April 1st (Mon)—August 12th (Mon), 2024
(3) The Institute offers twelve courses. Each course consists of 6 sessions of 100 minutes each, and participants can take up to four courses.
(4) Non-members as well as members of the LSJ can participate in the Institute.
For details, please visit the following link (Japanese only).

Note that the instructor of psycholinguistics has been changed from Professor Yuki Hirose to Professors Yasushi Terao and Toshiki Iwabuchi.

**If you require information guarantee, please contact the LSJ Summer Institute 2024 Executive Committee as soon as possible.**

LSJ Summer Institute 2024 Executive Committee

E-mail: lsj2024summerexecom[at] 

**Please replace [at] with @.**


Previous LSJ Summer Institutes (in Japanese)