Call for Proposals Science Council of Japan “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategy for Academia”

The Science Council of Japan will formulate a “Vision for Future Academic Advancement” to present a “Grand Vision” for academic advancement looking ahead to around the next 20 to 30 years. For this purpose, it is soliciting proposals for “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategies for Academia.” For details, please see this link.

In response to this call, the Linguistic Society of Japan is issuing an internal call for proposals for a “Mid-to-long-term Research Strategy for Academia” to be submitted under the name of the President of the Society. Application documents and application procedures are as follows:

Application documents:

A4 sheets of paper with the following items in Japanese:

  1. Representative’s name
  2. Representative’s contact e-mail address
  3. Name of “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategy for Academia
  4. Vision for academic promotion

     (1) Outline of vision for academic promotion (within 200 words)

     (2) Contents of the vision (within 1500 characters)
  5. Academic research concept

     (1) Outline of the academic research concept (within 800 words)

     (2) Purpose and implementation details (within 800 characters)

     (3) Academic significance (within 1500 characters)

    How to apply:

    Submit to: The Linguistic Society of Japan Secretariat ( as an email attachment.

    E-mail title: “Application Form for Medium-and-long-term Research Strategies for Academia (Representative’s Name)”

    Submission deadline: September 30, 2022

    Notification of acceptance: Around October 10, 2022

    If a large number of applications are received, the Standing Committee will review and select the applicants.

    As detailed in the “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategies for Science” application guideline, please take the following points into consideration when submitting your application.

    (1) The “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategy for Science” consists of a “vision” for academic promotion that looks ahead to around the next 20 to 30 years and an “academic research concept” that needs to be implemented within the next 10 years or so to realize the vision. It also takes a considerable amount of time for the Science Council of Japan to review the application, and the nature of the application is very different from that of regular research grants such as Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. Please read the “Guidelines for Public Call for Proposals” and the “Formulation Policy” linked above to understand the purpose of this project before you consider applying.

    (2) The “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategy for Science” is not intended to be directly reflected in the government budget.

    The Linguistic Society of Japan did not receive a request for applications for the “Medium-to-long-term Research Strategy for Academia” from the Science Council of Japan, and the LSJ secretariat was not aware of this information until very recently. Therefore, we apologize that we do not have much time to spare before the deadline of the internal call for applications.

    If you have any questions about the details of this concept, please contact the department in charge at the Science Council of Japan directly.