






本稿は、自他両用の「-化する」の自動詞用法と他動詞用法の現れ方について、新聞コーパスの用例に基づいた多変量解析を通して検討した。研究1では、自動詞用法と他動詞用法、使役形接辞「-させる」と受身形接辞「-される」の分布を調べた結果、自他両用の「-化する」の多くは、自動詞優勢または他動詞優勢のいずれかに傾いていることが分かった。とりわけ、他動詞用法に比べて自動詞用法の勢力のほうが強いことが示唆された。研究2 では、「-化する」が文中で使われるとき、その意味が肯定的変化を表すか否定的変化を表すかに影響する要因を検討した。その際、各動詞の前項の違いと、自他の用法の違いの2 つの要因を設けた。これらの要因が「-化する」の文中での使われ方にどう影響するかを調べた結果、主要な要因は、前項の語彙の違いであった。自他用法の違いは、他動詞優勢語で前項の語彙の意味が中立的である場合に、文中の肯定・否定の意味に強く影響することが示された。



本研究は、副詞としてのオノマトペと動詞との結びつき方の多様性と偏重性を考察するために、大規模コーパスから得られた28 語のオノマトペの用例について3 つの仮説を検討した。第1 に、使用域の違いを検討するために新聞と小説の両コーパスを比較した結果、新聞より小説において共起パターンが多様であることが示された。第2 に、オノマトペ自体の多義性がオノマトペと動詞の共起パターンの多様性と偏重性に影響するかどうか検討した結果、新聞のコーパスにおいて多義性の影響が認められた。小説では作家が多様な動詞とオノマトペを自由に組み合わせるので、その共起パターンは辞書における意味の数に影響されにくいのだと解釈できる。第3 に、個々のオノマトペが動詞との共起においてどのようなグループをなすかを検討した。以上のように、多様性と偏重性の両観点から見出されたパターンに基づいてオノマトペと動詞の共起パターンの特徴を考察し、人間の感情や感覚を表すオノマトペは特定の動詞との結びつきが強い可能性があることを示した。


中川  聡(豊田工業高等専門学校)

本稿の目的は分詞構文の語彙的主語に対する格付与と歴史的発達を、Chomsky(2004, 2007,2008)で提案されているC-T 構造形による主格付与の枠組みに基づいて理論的に説明することである。主格独立分詞構文は15 世紀に初めて現れ、初期近代英語には増加傾向にあったが、後期近代英語以降は減少している。この歴史的発達は分詞構文が動詞的動名詞との類推の結果C-T 構造形を失い始めたことに関係していると論じる。一方、対格独立分詞構文は中英語や19 世紀後半以降に観察される。対格独立分詞構文は中英語では事実上与格分詞構文であり、分詞構文において与格主語が主格主語へ再分析されたことにより減少するが、19 世紀後半以降、分詞構文がC-T 構造形を持たなくなってきたことと、対格代名詞主語を伴う動詞的動名詞との類推により再度観察されるようになっていると論じる。また、19 世紀後半以降、対格独立分詞構文の主語はdefault Case によって認可されるということも示す。







本稿は、Lambrecht(2000)の理論的枠組みを用い、「述語焦点(PF)」の文が無標であるという前提のもとに中国語の「文焦点(SF)」標示について論じる。中国語では、主語の指示対象が聞き手にとって同定可能な場合には、通常、形態統語的な手段によるSF 標示はできない。そこで、本研究は、同定可能な主語をもつPF 文とSF 文を音響分析し、両者を比較した。その結果、主語の持続時間が文全体に占める割合は、声調に関係なくSF 文のほうが大きく、F0 については、声調にもよるが、SF 文において主語の変化幅の拡大と述語の変化幅の縮小の少なくともどちらか一方が起こるという傾向が見られた。この結果は、中国語において、形態統語的な手段が使えない場合に、主語を韻律的に際立たせることによってSF標示が実現されるということを裏付けるものであり、「脱主題化の原則」が中国語にも当てはまることを示している。



Clahsen and Felser(2006)は、これまでの第二言語(L2)文処理研究を検証し、L2 学習者は意味役割等の語彙情報は母語話者と同じように処理できるが、統語情報については上級学習者であったとしても扱うことはできないとするShallow Structure Hypothesis(SSH)を提案している。本研究では、初級・中級の日本人英語学習者が能動態、受動態、分裂文をどのように処理するのか検証し、このSSH の妥当性について議論する。実験の結果、1)初級学習者は文処理過程において語彙情報を利用する、2)中級学習者は文構造に依存した文処理を行う、ということが明らかになった。したがって、本研究では、L2学習者でも習熟度が高まると文構造に依存した文処理を行うようになると主張し、さらにSSH では、全てのL2 学習者の文処理方略を説明できるわけではないことを提案する。

English Abstract

Real-Time Demonstration of the Interaction among Internal andExternal Factors in Language Change: A Corpus Study

Shin-ichiro Sano(International Christian University)

This research examines the interaction among internal and external factors in light of the interaction hypothesis, which assumes that, in language variation and change, internal factors are mutually independent, internal factors and external factors are also mutually independent, while external factors are interrelated. Thus far, there has been no exhaustive examination of the hypothesis based on the enormous amount of spontaneous speech in large-scale corpora, and interactions in the initial phases of language change have been underresearched. I therefore conducted a multivariate statistical examination of interactions of this kind focusing on recent language changes in Japanese verb forms (sa-Insertion, ra-Deletion, and re-Insertion) by making complementary use of two large-scale corpora: the on-line full-text database of the minutes of the Diet and the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese. The results partially support the interaction hypothesis in the sense that the independence between internal and external factors is maintained consistently. On the other hand, some interactions between factors are observed, and the predicted interaction between external factors is not observed in one case. Th e fact that interactions between internal and external factors is never attested is indicative of a clear-cut division between the two in their roles governing language variation and change. Based on the results, I propose a revised interaction hypothesis, which assumes the existence of intracategorial interaction and the nonexistence of inter-categorial interaction among internal and external factors.

A Comparison of Transitive and Intransitive Usages of Japanese “-ka suru” Verbs:Multivariate Analyses of Examples from a Newspaper Corpus

Sachiko Kiyama(Reitaku University),
Katsuo Tamaoka(Nagoya University)

The present study explored transitive and intransitive usages of Japanese “-ka suru” verbs, based on multivariate analyses of examples from a newspaper corpus. Study 1 investigated ratios of transitive usage, intransitive usage, causative “-saseru” and passive “-sareru” in 24 “-ka suru” verbs, suggesting that a majority of “-ka suru” verbs were likely to be either predominantly transitive or predominantly intransitive. Furthermore, predominantly intransitive usage seemed to have a stronger effect than predominantly transitive usage. Study 2 examined how the two factors of positive/negative antecedent meaning and transitive/intransitive usages influence positive/negative meaning at the sentence level with the use of “-ka suru” verbs. Results revealed that positive/negative antecedent meaning had the strongest influence in determining positive/negative meaning at the sentence level. At the same time, transitive/intransitive usage had strong effect on positive/negative meaning at the sentence level when a “-ka suru” verb was predominantly transitive with its neutral antecedent meaning.

Collocation Patterns of Sound-symbolic Words and Verbs in Corpora of a Newspaper and Novels

Katsuo Tamaoka(Nagoya University),
Sachiko Kiyama(Reitaku University),
Yayoi Miyaoka(Hiroshima University of Economics)

In order to investigate diversity versus uniformity in collocations of Japanese sound-symbolic words (i.e., onomatopoeia and mimesis) with verbs, the present study examined three hypotheses regarding the usage of 28 sound-symbolic words taken from large corpora. First, differences in register were analyzed by comparing a newspaper corpus with a corpus of novels. Collocation patterns of sound-symbolic words with verbs showed a greater diversity in novels than in the newspaper. Second, polysemic effects of sound-symbolic words were examined by looking at the extent of diversity and uniformity in their collocations with verbs. The results of a comparative analysis between 14 monosemic and 14 polysemic soundsymbolic words indicated that polysemy affected the diversity of collocation patterns in the newspaper corpus, but not those of the novel corpus. Considering the tendency for soundsymbolic words to show greater diversity in novels than in the newspaper, writers of novels appear more likely to combine a sound-symbolic word with a variety of verbs, with the result that the collocations of sound-symbolic words are not restricted by the number of meanings as defined by a dictionary. Third, 28 sound-symbolic words were clustered according to the diversity versus uniformity of their word collocation patterns with verbs. The results for these clusters suggested the possibility that sound-symbolic words related to human emotions have strong ties with specific verbs.

Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Nominative and Accusative Absolutes in English

Satoshi Nakagawa(Toyota National College of Technology)

The aim of this paper is to provide a principled account of Case assignment to lexical subjects in participial constructions and their historical changes within the Minimalist framework advocated by Chomsky (2004, 2007, 2008),where the C-T configuration is a requisite for nominative Case assignment. Nominative absolutes, which first appeared in the 15th century and increased during EModE, but they have been decreasing since LModE. It is argued that this historical change is closely related to the fact that participial constructions began to lose the C-T configuration necessary for nominative Case assignment by analogy with verbal gerunds. On the other hand, accusative absolutes were observed during ME and have been attested from the late 19th century onward. It is claimed that they were actually dative absolutes in ME and decreased due to the reanalysis of dative subjects as nominative subjects in participial constructions. Their reappearance in the late 19th century was triggered by the decline of the C-T configuration in participial constructions and analogy with verbal gerunds with accusative pronominal subjects. Furthermore, it is shown that lexical subjects are licensed by default Case in accusative absolutes after the late 19th century.

More on Pitch, Stress, and Vowel Reduction

Wayne P. Lawrence(The University of Auckland)

Based on Welsh, a language which has separated stress (intensity/amplitude) and pitch onto different syllables in polysyllabic words, Griffen(1998) argues that vowel reduction correlates with pitch, not stress. He also notes that aspiration correlates with stress. This note takes issue with both of these points. The Ryukyuan language of Taketomi, a pitch language with no phonemic stress, has historical vowel reduction which does not correlate with pitch. An explanation is proposed for this vowel reduction, and it is suggested that this explanation may also apply in the case of Welsh. In the Ryukyuan language of Nakijin, a pitch accent language with no phonemic stress, aspiration correlates with foot structure, not stress. Indications are that Welsh aspiration may be similarly distributed.

Prosodic Marking of “Sentence-Focus” in Chinese

Mariko Aihara(Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)

This paper discusses the marking of Sentence-Focus (SF) in Chinese within the framework of Lambrecht (2000), on the assumption that Predicate-Focus (PF) sentences are unmarked. In Chinese, morphosyntactic means cannot ordinarily be employed for SF marking when the referent of the subject is identifiable to the addressee. This study acoustically analyzed PF and SF sentences with identifiable subjects and compared them. The findings are as follows: (a) the duration of the subject relative to that of the entire sentence is longer in SF sentences than in PF sentences, regardless of the lexical tone; and (b) in most cases, either the f0 range expansion of the subject or the f0 range compression of the predicate, or both, occur in SF sentences. These findings indicate that when morphosyntactic means cannot be employed, SF marking is implemented by making the subject constituent prosodically prominent in Chinese, and that the principle of detopicalization—a hypothesis proposed by Lambrecht— holds for this language.

Sentence Processing Strategies by Japanese Learners of English at Early Stages

Koji Suda(Toyama Prefectural University)

Clahsen and Felser (2006) analyze previous second language (L2) processing studies and propose the Shallow Structure Hypothesis (SSH), which claims that L2 learners can make use of lexical information such as thematic relations in the same way as native speakers of the target language, but that they cannot use structural information such as syntax. This study investigates how Japanese learners of English ( JLEs) at the beginner and intermediate levels process active/passive/cleft sentences, and discusses the validity of SSH. The results show that in processing these sentences (1) JLEs at the beginner level use lexical information, and (2) JLEs at the intermediate level depend on structural information. We propose, therefore, that L2 learners can process sentences using structural information as their proficiency levels develop, and suggest that the SSH cannot explain all L2 learners’processing strategies.