森 英樹(福井県立大学)
本論文では、命令文が命令ではなく条件の解釈を含意する現象に焦点を当て、特に、「Vてみろ」の形で条件の解釈を持つ命令文(「Vてみろ」条件命令文)の意味と構造を、モダリティの度合いと従属化の観点から考察する。「Vてみろ」条件命令文は、他の命令表現に比べ、典型的なモダリティの度合いが低いことを示唆する特徴を持ち、副動詞構文として再分析されていることを主張する。これによって、「Vてみろ」条件命令文で含意される条件解釈は構文的な意味であるのに対し、他の命令表現の条件解釈は語用論的に推論される意味であることが明らかになる。また、本分析によって、次の2つの成果がもたらされる。1つ目は、節レベルに関するもので、命令文と条件節との対応関係をより細かく分類することが可能となる点である。2つ目は、文レベルに関するもので、等位構造と従属節が、副動詞構文としての「Vてみろ」条件命令文を介して連続していることが示唆される点である。さらに、本研究は動詞連結構造の副動詞構文への通時的発達という新たな研究の方向性を示している*。 キーワード:条件、モダリティ、従属節、再分析、副動詞構文
日本語の授与動詞構文の構文パターンの類型化 ―他言語との比較対照と合わせて―
澤田 淳(青山学院大学)
一般に、日本語の本動詞型(A型)、補助動詞型(B型)の授与動詞構文は、それぞれ、物の授受、事態の授受を表すとされることが多い。本稿では、事態の授受を表すとされる日本語の補助動詞型の授与動詞構文(「てくれる/てやる」構文)が4つの構文パターン(B1α型、B1β型、B2型、B3型)に分類できることを示す。さらに、日本語の授与動詞構文の構文パターンの分類をもとに、幾つかのアジアの諸言語(韓国語、マラーティー語、中国語)の授与動詞構文(「V+授与動詞」構文)との比較対照を試みる。最後に、これらの言語との対照研究から得られるインプリケーションとして、授与動詞の構文パターンの範囲に関する通言語的な含意階層(A型<B1α型<B1β型<B2型<B3型)が提出できることを論じる*。 キーワード:授与動詞構文、構文パターン、言語対照、文法化、含意階層
浅田 裕子(上智大学 国際言語情報研究所)
本稿は、「りんごとバナナとを食べた」の例にあるような日本語の等位接続詞「と」の重複形(the repetitive coordinator to)(以下、「RC-と」)の分布を検証する。先行研究においては、「RC-と」は随意的要素であると想定されているが(Fukui and Sakai 2003, Ito and Chaves 2008, Vermeulen 2008など)、その分布は、次の3種類の観察が示すように、従来想定されているより制限的である:(i)「RC-と」が連体修飾節の主語位置に現れると、主格助詞の「が・の交替」が妨げられる;(ii)「RC-と」は、コピュラ文の述部に現れることができない;(iii)「RC-と」は、焦点化詞「だけ」とは共起できるが、「さえ」及び「も」とは共起できない。また、(iii)の観察に関して本稿が呈示するデータは、Vermeulen(2008)が提案する「RC-と」の分析にとって問題となる。これらの議論を踏まえ、本稿は、「RC-と」は「だけ」に似た排他性(exhaustivity)の含意を持つ焦点化詞であると提案し、この提案が一連の観察された「RC-と」の特性を捉えることができることを示す。
Modality and Reanalyzed Structure of V-te-miro Conditional Imperatives
Hideki Mori(Fukui Prefectural University)
V-te-miro conditional imperatives are characterized by imperative form and conditional meaning. This form–meaning discrepancy is considered in terms of degrees of modality and subordination. The claim is that V-te-miro conditional imperatives, unlike other imperative forms, have features of a low degree of typical imperative modality and are reanalyzed as converb constructions. This reveals that the conditional implication of V-te-miro conditional imperatives is constructional meaning, whereas that of other types of imperative forms is induced pragmatically. Regarding the correspondence of imperatives and subordinate clauses, the proposed reanalysis of V-te-miro conditional imperatives as converb constructions makes a finer classification on the clausal level and suggests coordinate–subordinate continuity on the sentential level. In addition, the present study can offer a new direction for historical investigations into the evolution of V-V complexes into converb constructions.
Constructional Patterns of Japanese Benefactive Constructions: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Jun Sawada(Aoyama Gakuin University)
This paper argues that Japanese benefactive constructions with (-te) kureru/yaru have the five synchronic variants shown in (1):
Type A: | X-ga Y-ni Z-o kureru/yaru | (MV) |
Type B1α: | [X-ga Y-nii [Y-nii Z-o V] te-kureru/te-yaru] | (AuxV) |
Type B1β: | [X-ga Y-ni [Z-o V] te-kureru/te-yaru] | (AuxV) |
Type B2: | [X-ga […V ] te-kureru/te-yaru] | (AuxV) |
Type B3: | [[ (X ga) …V ] te-kureru/*te-yaru] | (AuxV) |
These variants can be explained as products of a grammaticalization process (Type A→Type B1α→Type B1β→Type B2→Type B3) based on four semantic/syntactic criteria. This model in (1) can also be applied to the analysis of the benefactive constructions with GIVE verbs in languages like Korean (cwuta), Chinese (gěi), and Marathi (deNe). I propose the following implicational hierarchy to predict the occurrence of possible benefactive construction types in a given language:
(2) Type A < Type B1α < Type B1β < Type B2 < Type B3
The Accent of Sino-Korean Words in South Kyengsang Korean
Chiyuki Ito
(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Most of the Sino-Korean readings that are attested in Middle Korean (15–16th c.) and are prevalent in contemporary Korean are assumed to have been introduced into Korean from Middle Chinese. Previous literature has reported that even in contemporary Korean dialects with distinctive tonal contrasts, the tonal patterns of Sino-Korean morphemes show regular correspondences with Middle Chinese tones to a certain extent. In this paper, we investigate the accentuation of Sino-Korean words in the South Kyengsang dialect with a comparison of native simplex nouns on the one hand and with Middle Korean accent on the other. The Sino-Korean nouns in South Kyengsang display the same range of accentual contrasts as native simplex nouns, but type frequency differs between the two lexical classes, which leads to distinct default accent classes. There are correlations between segmental type (onset and coda) and accent class in both Middle Korean and South Kyengsang Sino-Korean words, some of which are emergent patterns in the latter. We conclude that the Sino-Korean accent, while being faithful to the historically expected accent as a rule, has frequently been restructured through analogical changes based on four factors: (i) a simple type-frequency effect attracting many words to a default accent class, (ii) identical isolation forms resulting in an ambiguous accentual contrast, (iii) local generalizations based on segment−tone correlations with higher type frequency in the lexicon, and (iv) phonetically natural associations.* Key words: Sino-Korean, accent, analogy, frequency, onset and coda effects
On the Nature of the Repetitive Coordinator To in Japanese
Yuko Asada(Sophia Linguistic Institute for International Communication, Sophia University)
This article examines the distribution of the Japanese conjunctive particle to which is duplicated on the final conjunct in a coordinate structure (cf. A-to B-to ‘A and B’). It has been observed in the literature that duplication of the coordinator to, a phenomenon known as conjunction doubling, is possible in coordination in which conjuncts coordinated by to are nominal constituents and also in the so-called ‘non-constituent’ coordination, where conjuncts coordinated by to do not appear to be syntactic constituents (see, e.g., Koizumi 2000, Takano 2002, Fukui and Sakai 2003 for related discussion). Although previous analyses that deal with these constructions commonly assume that the duplicated to, which I refer to in this article as the repetitive coordinator to (RC-to), is realized optionally (cf. Fukui and Sakai 2003, Ito and Chaves 2008, Vermeulen 2008), I show that the distribution of RC-to is more restricted than previously assumed, based on three sets of observations: (i) the inapplicability of ga/no conversion in the presence of RC-to; (ii) the non-occurrence of RC-to in the predicate position of a copular sentence; and (iii) the fact that RC-to exhibits different behavior with respect to two types of focus particles. It is compatible with dake ‘only,’ but not with sae ‘even’ or mo ‘also.’ I also point out that a piece of the presented data is problematic under the analysis of non-constituent coordination as proposed by Vermeulen (2008). Considering these observations, I propose that RC-to is a focus particle that carries an implicature of exhaustivity in a manner similar to dake, and show that this proposal accounts for several previously unidentified properties of RC-to.* Key words: Japanese, coordination, conjunction doubling, non-constituent, focus